Forthcoming events

How to be a Difficult Woman – the challenges for women in the workplace
Society of Construction Arbitrators Talk 2024
by Kim Franklin KC
Annual Dinner 2024 at the Armourers' Hall
We will have expert cheesemonger Andy Swinscoe from the award winning Courtyard Dairy leading an hour long virtual session on Wednesday 11th December. The session will take place on Zoom and begin at 5:30pm.
Join us for a talk by chartered accountant and certified fraud examiner Kay Linnell, on 'The Horizon computer Post Office scandal - Part II', followed by a 3-course lunch at The Hawksmoor restaurant in London's Guildhall.
The venue for the conference will be announced by Julie very soon – keep your eye out for that email. If you are planning to attend, please let Julie know to register your interest. Her email address is