News from the Society


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It is with great sadness we report the untimely passing of Rowan Planterose, of this Society and a past President and long-time officer on 27 October 2024 after a trying illness. Rowan was a well-known and very highly regarded construction and engineering barrister. He will be remembered for his dedication to his clients and to the field of Arbitration Law.

We mark the sad loss of Patrick Lane last month, he was a long-time member of this Society and had a remarkable vision and a unique ability to bring people together, fostering a spirit of collaboration and shared purpose that defined his leadership. His influence extended far beyond South African arbitral circles, shaping the lives and careers of those fortunate enough to work alongside him. His legacy we will carry forward. He will be profoundly missed.

We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of Jon Miller. He was a long-standing and dedicated construction disputes Solicitor and Partner of Fenwick Elliott and a TECSA member and well-known panel adjudicator. He truly embodied the values of Excellence, Knowledge and Community, as well as his trademark of humour and selflessness. The response to his untimely passing has been a testament to the esteem in which he was held both personally and professionally. SCA sends its condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. Jon, rest in peace.

It with great sadness that we report the passing of Paul Darling KC. He will be known to most if not all of you as a leading Silk in construction, engineering and energy law. A larger-than-life character, he was an English commercial law barrister, King's Counsel and chair of the Horserace Betting Levy Board.

Following elections at the AGM on 28 March 2024, the Committee for the next 12 months will be Julie Forsyth (President), Simon Tolson (Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer), David Cartwright, Christopher Dancaster, Melanie Willems, John Bishop and Philip Fidler , Hamish Lal and Gareth Ahier.

It is with much sadness that we announce the death of Roger Dyer. For those that knew Roger, he was for many years an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.

He was also a former architect; arbitrator; adjudicator; mediator, studied at the Birmingham School of Architecture.

Some of you may have his book, ‘The Arbitrator as Party to a s.69 Appeal’. Others I am sure knew him well. I read he was a considered and measured advocate, with his architectural background highly recommended for construction litigation and advice.

Please save the date of the 2024 SCA Annual Conference which will be held between Friday 10th – Monday 13th May 2024. More info will be available soon.

You will see a new look to the website. We have moved it from the defunct Drupal 7 platform to the more modern Drupal 9, and added CiviCRM functionality for membership administration. Existing passwords should continue to work for access to the members area

We are saddened to announce the death of our friend and colleague Christopher Miers. Following a short illness, Chris passed away on 7th February 2023. Chris was a renowned construction dispute expert, talented Chartered Architect, and trusted Chartered Arbitrator. He was a former Honorary Secretary of the SCA and a valued member of the Society for many years.